The Distinguished Teacher Notes

Enz, B. J., Weber, K. R., Campopiano, R. D. (2000). The distinguished teacher. In B.E. Steffy, M. P. Wolfe, S. H. Pasch, & B. J. Enz, (Eds.), Life cycle of the career Teacher pp. 85-95. California: Kappa Delta Pi and Corwin Press, Inc.

Viewing the Distinguished Phase Through Case Study

Defining the Distinguished Phase

·      This stage is contested.

·      Possession of extraordinary teaching skills.

·      Achievement of awards or nominations for awards

Threads of Continuity

·      Distinguishing the Expert Teacher from the Distinguished Teacher:           

o   Passion, leadership, impact

o   Passion

§  They aren't stopped or discouraged by bureaucratic red tape.

o   Leadership

§  Self assured leaders

§  Risk takers

§  Disseminators of knowledge

o   Impact

§  "Respondents suggested that distinguished teachers have vision and an acknowledge voice that influences the instructional direction of their schools, districts, states, and in many cases, the nation...(p. 89)."

§  "Distinguished teachers are often the main force in changing the culture of schools (p. 89)."

§  "Caring about children, their families, and the community, as well as a deep concern for the quality of a child's home life, further defines this high impact teacher (p. 89)."

§  "These distinguished teachers demonstrated a level of commitment that stretched beyond their own classrooms; they felt a need to improve the quality of life for all (p. 89)."

·      Renewing Enthusiasm for Teaching

o   Intellectual stimulation, collegial interactions, shared knowledge, changes and challenges, and student interactions

o   Intellectual Stimulation

§  "The opportunity to learn and share new ideas energizes and motivates them (p. 90)."

o   Collegial Interactions

o   Shared Knowledge

§  "Like the professional and the expert, distinguished teachers enjoyed working with preservice and beginning teachers. It stimulated reflection and provided unique opportunities to teach and reflect on teaching (p. 90)."

o   Changes and Challenges

§  "Distinguished teachers welcome opportunities for growth (p. 90)."

o   Student Interactions

§  "At a basic level, students' needs and interests motivated these teachers. Student responses and successes inspired them. Previous students were also a source of renewal (p. 91)."

·      Distinguished Teacher Withdrawal

o   Results from personal crisis, professional image, and unresponsive administration

Professional-Development Strategies

·      "Distinguished teachers consistently have highly complex mental schemas for interpreting students' needs, classroom interactions, curriculum organization, and presentation. They reflect upon their instructional practices and classroom interactions. They seek opportunities to grow and integrate new knowledge into their classrooms. They need challenges to keep them abreast of their profession (p. 92)."

·      Opportunities to Learn

·      Time to Reflect

·      Professional Challenges

Recommendations for Research and Practice