Yendol-Hoppey & Hoppey Generating PDS Possibility and Practicality

Yendol-Hoppey, D., & Hoppey, D. (2013, Spring). Generating PDS possibility and practicality thinking using a case and protocol tool to enhance PDS development. School-University Partnerships, (6)1, pp. 59-75.

Summary: In this article, Yendol-Hoppey & Hoppey argue that PDS stakeholders need to engage in practicality thinking and possibility thinking about their PDS work. To do so, they have created a ficticious case as a conversation catalyst for stakeholders to engage in evaluating their current PDS, thinking about the possibility of renewing their partnerships, and identifying practical ways, mechanisms, and structures to make what may have previously been conceived of as impossible possible. They draw upon a National School Reform Faculty protocol to create a structure for fostering productive dialogue and conversation. This article offers a tool for PDS stakeholders.