Loughran Learning How to Teach: Unpacking a Teacher Educator's Thinking about Pedagogy
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1994, anticipatory reflection, contemporaneous reflection, LoughranJ, modeling, noticing, pedagogical skills, pedagogy of teacher education, preservice teachers, reflection, reflection in action, reflection on action, reflective practice, retrospective reflection, seeing, student teachers, student teaching, teacher development, teacher education, teacher educator, teacher educator education, teacher preparation, thinking aloud
Alger & Kopcha eSupervision and cognitive apprenticeship
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, coaching, cognitive apprenticeship, collaborative structures, communication, community, conversation, conversations about practice, developing expertise, expertise, modeling, novice, novice observers, novice teacher, program evaluation, reflection, research, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory roles, supporting novice learning, technology, technology in supervision